Church Rates












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The church rate was a tax levied in each parish for the benefit of the parish church. The rates were used to meet the costs of services, repairing the fabric of the church and paying salaries. It was always a matter of common law, not statute. The compulsory levying of the church rate was abolished by the Compulsory Church Rate Abolition Act 1868, though it continued on a voluntary basis in many parishes.

The church rates were set by the churchwardens together with the parishioners, who were assembled after proper notice had been posted in the church vestry or the church. The rates thus set were recoverable in the ecclesiastical court, or, if the arrears did not exceed £10 and no questions were raised as to the legal liability, before two justices of the peace. The church rate was a personal charge imposed on the occupier of land or of a house in the parish, and, though it was compulsory, it was often difficult to enforce, especially in the case of Nonconformists, who had conscientious objections to supporting the Established Church.

Enforcement of the rate was not uniform across the country. Resolutions were passed protesting against the rate, and societies to abolish the rate were formed all over the country. In 1836 at a public meeting in London, a central committee, the Church Rate Abolition Society, was formed to co-ordinate the efforts of local abolitionist Societies.

In 1837, Parliament made two concessions to the Nonconformists by allowing a more acceptable marriage ceremony, and the civil registration of births, deaths and marriages. However, the parish rate remained compulsory until 1868. The Whig leader in the House of Commons, Lord John Russell, supported the rate but in 1856 The Times called the government's attention to what the editor believed was a civil war raging throughout the country on the church rate question.