Raymond William Stainthorpe Farndale, CD


23 February 1914 to 23 May 2016


The Newfoundland Line


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A Newfoundland Farndale who served in the Artillery in World War 2


An accountant


He lived to the extraordinary age of 102, and for a while was the oldest of the Farndales 


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St John’s, Newfoundland




Raymond William Stainthorpe Farndale, son of John Martin and Elizabeth (nee Stainthorpe) Farndale (FAR00613), was born in Newfoundland on 23 February 1914.


Residence: 1914-1918: 24 Cochrane Street, St. John’s.

I was born in St. John’s, Newfoundland on February 23, 1914. My parents, John and Bessie Farndale, immigrated to Newfoundland in 1910. My father was employed by The Royal Stores Ltd as Grocery Department Manager. We were the only family of Farndales in Newfoundland. The family has been traced back to about 1280. I have records going back to 1760, when William Farndale was born in Brotton, Yorkshire. He was my great-great-great Grandfather, dying in 1846 at the age of eighty-six. My family’s first home was at 24 Cochrane Street, where we lived for about four years (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


St. Thomas’s Church (The Old Garrison Church) – Founded 1836 – St. John’s, Newfoundland. I was baptized on June 11, 1914 by Reverend A. Clayton. I was confirmed on January 27, 1929 by Canon A. H. Hewitt (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




Residence: 1919-1923: 35 Cochrane Street, St. John’s.

We then moved to 35 Cochrane Street. My brother Bertram was born July 24th, 1919. My recollections of these early years are quite “sketchy” but I do remember some of the neighbours, including the Carnells, Oakes, Ryans , Edwards, Days. As well, I recall spending summers with the Gladneys in Freshwater Valley. They owned and operated a small farm, complete with horses, cows, pigs and chicken. Paddy Gladney drove a “horse and carriage,” the fore-runner of taxicabs. Bertram and I were both baptized in St. Thomas’ Church, which dates back to 1699. The building I remember was built in 1836. In the late summer of 1919 I contracted Scarlet Fever, which was a very contagious disease in those days. This prevented me from starting school in September. I did not enroll until September 1920. To sum up, the first six years of my life were pleasant ones (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


During the years leading up to my confirmation, I had become a fairly regular attendee at both Church and Sunday School. Sunday School classes were held on Sunday afternoons. The superintendent was Mr. H.Y. Mott. I can’t recall any of the teachers’ names. We were taught to memorize the Lords Prayer, the Apostles’ Creed and to understand the Ten Commandments, all part of the “Catechism.” At about age 12 I became a Bell Ringer. The Church had a set of bells, which were rung before every service for fifteen minutes. Services were held each Sunday at 8am, 11am and 6:30pm. There were about twelve bells of different sizes, each attached to ropes, making up an “octave.” In the bell tower, the ringers played hymns by following the “music” and pulling the ropes by numbers. I enjoyed the experience and became fairly proficient. In 1931 I had the best belfry record for that year, and received a prize. I was then seventeen, and I believe I discontinued my bell ringing shortly after that. I continued my membership in the church until 1938, when I moved to Corner Brook (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




Educated at Bishop Feild College (1920 to 1929) (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).

The school system in Newfoundland was denominational, operated by three main-line churches. The Church of England (which later became known as the Anglican church), operated several schools, including Bishop Feild College where I was educated. The curriculum was patterned after the English system. Only boys attended Bishop Feild. The girls has a separate school, named Bishop Spencer. There were six “forms,” some of them were divided into Upper and Lower. The Upper sixth is the final year, described as Junior Matriculation, which was roughly the equivalent to grade 11 in today’s Canadian system. There was no kindergarten, so I entered Form 1 in September 1920. I was a good student throughout my school years and received many prizes and awards,. In 1925 and 1927, I won the Knowling Scholarship for the best “all round boy,” determined by ballot of both the staff and the boys of each form. I took part in all school sports, but did not excel! Being smaller and somewhat younger than most of my class was a disadvantage. School sports were soccer, rugby, basketball and ice hockey (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Close friends were Bert and Geoff Carnell, John (Fatty) Carnell, Frank and Joe Ryan (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).



Prizes and Awards:









Robin Hood




Miller Medal



Lower 3

Stories of Robin Hood



Lower 3

Stories from Dickens




A Book of Golden Deeds




The Dormitory Flag




Medal and free schooling



Lower 5

Sir Nigel



Upper 5





Medal and free schooling


Exam Honours




Exam Pass

Lower 6

The Last Days of Pompeii



Lower 6

For perfect attendance



Upper 6



Exam Pass

Upper 6

The Essays of Elia


Loftus, Coatham, Whitby, Redcar, Harrogate, Yorkshire




In 1923, there was a break in my education, due to an extended trip to England. In July of 1923, my mother, Bertram and I left St. John’s for Liverpool, England by steamer. Dad stayed at home, and boarded with friends (the Moysts). We then travelled by train to Loftus, Yorkshire where we met Grandmother Stainthorpe and various aunts, uncles and cousins. I remember visiting my Uncle Herbert Stainthorpe in Redcar. He has a house full of canaries! We also visited some of the Farndale relatives in Guisborough, Norhallerton, etc. In September we moved to Redcar, so that I could enroll in Coatham Grammar School. I adapted to school life fairly well , although I was somewhat lonely and didn’t make many friends. Most of the students were “boarders” whereas I was a “day student.” After two semesters I left Coatham in preparation for our return to Newfoundland in July of 1924. All in all the trip was a great experience, but we were glad to be home again (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


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The family stayed at Whitby and other parts of Yorkshire from September 1923 to August 1924.


They returned to England, as family, via Boston arriving on 22 September 1923 in Liverpool:


Passenger manifest: Ship: “Digby”. Port of Arrival: Liverpool. Date of Arrival: 22 September 1923. Furness Ship Line. Whence arrived – Boston Massachusetts, Halifax, Nova Scotia and St John’s Newfondland. Names of British Passengers … Farndale, Bessie, housewife, Farndale, Bertram George, Farndale, Raymond William, all giving address at Robinson’s Terrace, Loftus in Cleveland.


During his stay in England Raymond wrote in to a popular children’s column in a Yorkshire newspaper: Northern Weekly Gazette, 21 June 1924: FIRST LETTERS. This week's prize winners are: T Hebron, R Farndale, M Harnbur, N Simpson. PLAYFUL “BILLY”. This is the first letter I have ever written to you. I have no pets to tell you about, but I will tell you about a cat that my auntie has. “Billy” is a playful cat. He sits up and boxes you, and if you Iingle your money in your pockets he will jump up on your knee and try to get it out. I must now close (hoping to see it in print) and wishing you and your circle every successful stop I remain, yours truly, Raymond Farndale, Whitby. Perhaps this was a reference to his Aunt Hannah or Aunt Elizabeth.




In August 1924, Bessie, Raymond and Bertram were on the passenger list sailing from Liverpool to St John’s:


Passenger manifest: Merchant Shipping Act 1906 and Aliens Restriction Acts 1914 and 1919. Outgoing passengers. Ship’s name “Digby” of the Furness Line. Master’s name was Chambers. Bound for St John’s Newfoundland, Halifax Nova Scotia and Boston, Massachusetts. Bessie (40), Raymond (10) and Bertram (5) Farndale of 10 Albert Road, Harrogate were travelling.



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St John’s, Newfoundland


On return in 1924, I entered Form 4 and followed the system through to 1929, when I graduated with a pass mark. I was encouraged to repeat the year and apply for a scholarship, but instead I opted to start a business career (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Residence: 1924-1925: 9 Bell Street, St. John’s.




Residence: 1925-1930: 60 Prescott Street, St. John’s

Summers in Topsail. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, we spent entire summers in Topsail, Conception Bay – about twelve miles from St. John’s. Topsail was a lovely little village where many St. John’s families spent their summers. We boarded with a local family (the Butchers) and had commuted to St. John’s with various business people, including Anthony Tooton. My best friends were Russell and Graham Strong, as well as Tom Windsor and his brothers Stuart and Jack. It was there that I learned to swim. There was a three-mile stretch of rocky beach and the water was very cold. However, we had a lot of fun! We also spent much time exploring the nearby countryside, often picking berries, which were abundant. We enjoyed helping the farmers at “hay” time and we often played baseball in the hayfields (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




Music. We always had a piano in our house. Mother was a trained singer and also played the piano quite well, although in quite an unorthodox manner. She read the music using “tonic sol fa” method, which I never could quite understand! At age 15 I started piano lessons, but after two different tutors, I gave up in despair.      I then tried to master the Hawaiian Guitar by taking correspondence lessons. This lasted a few months, and ended in failure. I passed the guitar onto my brother. I did enjoy singing and spent many pleasant Sunday evenings at the home of Maisie and Betty Gunn, taking part in “sing-a-longs.” Also, whenever the opportunity arose I was always glad to add my voice to a group, singing some of the tunes of the day. I’ve always regretted that I did not study music. My inability to read the notes was a handicap in later years, when I joined church choirs in Corner Brook, New Glasgow and Halifax. I did have a very good “ear” and this enabled me to manage fairly well. In fact, in Halifax I even sang a solo at St. Peters (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Newfoundland did not have a university in 1929, so for those students wishing to continue their education it was necessary to spend two years at Memorial College (which later became Memorial University). A popular choice for university was McGill in Montreal. This as not an option for me, as the cost was prohibitive. Instead I enrolled in the Butler Business College in September. One month later, I took a job with Imperial Oil Ltd., as Junior Clerk in the main office on Water Street. The monthly salary was thirty-five dollars (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Friendships. One of my best friends in my class at school was Horace Rosenberg. He was also my rival in scholastic tests. We used to visit each others homes after school and play games. He was especially good at chess and tried to teach me (without much success). After 1929, he went on to Memorial College and later to McGill University in Montreal. He became a medical doctor. I saw him only twice since then, once in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1942 and once during a train trip from Corner Brook to St. Jonh’s in the late 1940’s. When I was about twelve years old, I developed a strong friendship with George Cook, who lives at 99 Bond Street. We spent many happy times together and I was in included in most of their family outings. Sadly, George died of cancer in 1960. Other friends were Clifton Gardner, Wilf Moore, George LeMessuner, Bliss Murphy, Arthur and Lawrence Wood and many others. Every Sunday afternoon a group of us would take long walks, either to Cabot Tower, the Southside, Cape Spear, Quidi Vidi Lakeor Cuckold Cove. I have lost touch with all of these friends now except Wilf Moore, who served with my in the 59th Regiment (Nfld) and whom I visited several times since them at Regimental reunions and once in St. John’s at the veterans wing of the General Hospital (2003) (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Employed: 1929-1930: Accountant, Imperial Oil Ltd., St. John’s

My first job was Junior Clerk with Imperial Oil Ltd. I started in mid-October of 1929. In September I had started a course at the Butler Business College. I found this interesting but quit to take the Imperial Oil job. My salary was $35.00 per month. I resigned in September 1930 to take a position with Tors Cove Trading Company Limited at $100.00 per month. I enjoyed my first job and left on good terms (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




Employed: 1930-1937: Accountant, Tors Cove Trading Company Ltd., St. John’s.


I joined this firm in October 1930, at a starting wage of $100.00 per month (about three times my previous salary!). The owners were Avalon and Will Goodridge, two very fine gentlemen. It was a pleasure to work for them. Their nephew Owen (also known as Peter) worked there and we became good friends. I also remember Will Strong, Hilda Diamond and Hilda Warford (later she married Joe Combden, and we met again in Toronto in 1960). In fact, she was Denise’s Godmother at her christening in 1962 (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


1930 joined Tors Cove Trading Company at $100 per month. The Goodridge family – S.S. Fagerbro to the West Indies, on a familiarization tour of Salt Cod markets – Best friend George Cook – Ariel Motor Cycle, Collison with pony en route to Harbour Grace (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Residence: 1930-1938: 173 Gower Street, St. John’s



My first vehicle was an Ariel motorcycle, 350 c.c., brand new and cost $350.00. I was very proud of this cycle and drove it often, generally accompanied by my best friend George Cook on the Pillion seat. On one occasion, when travelling along a country road (all the roads were country roads in that day!), a young pony on the edge of the road took fright and jumped towards us. A collision resulted and George and I were thrown from the bike. The pony ran away unharmed. Apart from a few bruises we were okay and were able to continue our journey (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


In 1932, in order for me to better understand the markets, I took a trip on a freighter bound for the West Indies. I embarked on the M.V. Fagerbro in March of 1932. She was of Norweigen registry, 1500 tons gross. The itinerary was St. Pieree and Miquelon, Puerto Rico, Barbados and Martinique, returning via North Sysney, Montreal, Botwood and finally St. John’s. The return cargo was mainly molasses, in 50 gallon barrels. This was indeed a great experience (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




The next year I bought a small car, an Austin Mini. In July 1933, I attended a tennis tournament in Harbour Grace and on the return trip had an unfortunate accident, this time a collision with a bridge. It was late at night and very foggy. I had two passengers, Jack Norris and Bill Harris. Jack injured his eye-lid, and it is permanently partially closed. There was a police investigation. I was cleared of any criminal responsibility and no charges were laid (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




In 1934, I bought a 1929 Model “A” Ford 4-door Roadster and enjoyed this car without any mishaps. I sold this vehicle in the fall because winter storage was a problem. From then on I depended on others for transportation, primarily Maurice Devine. My next car was purchased after the war in 1946 (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




In the Newfoundland Census of 1935, John (then aged 49) was shown as head of the household, a manager with a grocery department, living at 173 Gower Street, St John’s, East Ward. He lived with his wife Bessie (aged 51), recorded as a homemaker, and his sons Raymond (aged 21) who was by then an accountant with a fishery firm and Bertram (aged 16) who was still at school. The record confirms that John and Bessie had emigrated to Newfoundland in 1910.


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I resigned from Tors Cove Trading Company in 1937 to take a position with Bowaters Newfoundland Ltd. in St. John’s (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


1937: Joined Bowater Corporation, who were planning to buy corner brook paper mill. This took place in 1838, and I was one of 3 people transferred to Corner Brook which became my next home (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).

Employed: 1937-1938: Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Bowaters Lloyd Limited, St. John’s while Bowater was cutting trees for mine pit props and was buying the Corner Brook mill from International Power and Paper Limited

Corner Brook, Newfoundland




In 1938, the Bowater organization, which had been operating in St. John’s for a couple of years, bought the Paper Mill from the International Power and Paper Company.  I had joined the staff of Bowaters Newfoundland Limited in 1937 and was one of four people transferred to Corner Brook in October 1938. The others were Bruce Fraser, Jim Downing and Jack Lee. A new chapter in my life then began. I was twenty-four years of age. I took up residence in the Glynmill Inn, where the guests were mainly company personnel. Room and board cost me $35.00 a month. I was assigned to the Accounts Department and the other transferees went to the Woods Department. I adapted quickly to my new life in Corner Brook. I joined various sports clubs, and took part in badminton, tennis, bowling, skating and skiing. My closest friends were Austin Purchase, Howard Humber, George Gullage, and Alan Goodridge, all of whom are now deceased (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Residence: 1938-1940 and 1945-1946: Glynmill Inn, Corner Brook


Employed: 1938-1946 – Bowaters, Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Limited, Corner Brook (minus 5¼ years overseas in army). In 1938, he was transferred to the Corner Brook mill, reporting to General Manager H.M.S. “Monty” Lewin. He lived at Glynmill Inn, then a staff house for senior employees.


Overseas military service




In the early 1940s, a Men’s Club was formed, patterned after similar clubs in England. I became the first Secretary-Treasurer. I also served on the Golf Club board in a similar capacity, despite the fact I did not play golf! (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).

Military Service

World War II had started in September of 1939, and the Newfoundland Government had decided to recruit volunteers for all branches of the armed forces. At that time, Newfoundland had no military units operative. The Royal Newfoundland Regiment, which had taken part in World War I from 1914 to 1918 had been disbanded long ago, therefore a decision had been made to form a Regiment of Artillery.  Later two regiments were formed, the 166th and 59th. The Regiment of Artillery became part of the British Army. Likewise, volunteers for Naval duties or for the Air Force would become part of the British forces. A large number of my friends chose the Army, as I did. The first contingent of volunteers from the West Coast left Corner Brook on May 12, 1940. I was not amongst them, because it seemed unlikely that I would pass the eyesight test. However, within two weeks I managed to pass, with the help of a young Doctor who coached me in the eyesight requirements (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).

Raymond WS Farndale, served in 59th (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment Royal Artillery as 970929 Gunner RWS Farndale in England. He left Halifax on 6 June 1940. He is shown on the passenger manifest of the Nerissa on a voyage from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Liverpool arriving on 6 July 1940. The list of names is shown as “Troops from Newfoundland”.

Friendships: Bragg, Seymour, Scott and Sullivan, among others (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).

The Regiment trained in the South of England (Ardingly, Ashford), for 4 years, until 1944.

59th (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment

While the 166th (Newfoundland) Field Regiment was fighting in Africa and Italy, a second Newfoundland regiment had been serving in England and parts of Western Europe. Shortly after the 166th (then 57th) Regiment departed Sussex in the summer of 1940, the RA formed the 59th (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment to accommodate successive drafts of new recruits from Newfoundland and Labrador.

By late June 1941, members of the regiment’s four batteries had completed training and assumed an operational role guarding England’s south coast from enemy invasion. As hostilities progressed, the War Office shifted its efforts from defence to offence, and in mid-1942 it slightly reduced the 59th Regiment’s anti-invasion role and ordered it to begin training for offensive warfare.

However, it was not until July 1944 that the regiment departed England for France to take part in the Battle of Normandy. Once there, the artillerymen fought alongside other Allied troops, firing their 7.2-inch howitzers and 155-millimetre guns against German forces. The regiment suffered its first injuries on July 17, when enemy fire wounded 12 men – causing one to lose a leg – and destroyed two guns.

Following the Allied victory in August 1944, the 59th Regiment pressed east and continued fighting in Belgium and the Netherlands before proceeding on to Germany. Gunners with the 59th Regiment fired their last rounds of the war in Hamburg on May 2, 1945, two days before the city’s German forces surrendered.

War's End

Shortly after V-E Day on May 8, 1945, the RA took steps to send recruits from Newfoundland and Labrador back home rather than deploy them to the Far East, where the war against Japan was ongoing. On August 7, the Lady Rodney departed Liverpool for St. John’s, carrying the first group of 301 artillerymen back home. By mid-October, the vast majority of recruits had returned home.

Throughout the war, artillerymen from Newfoundland and Labrador distinguished themselves as hard-working and brave soldiers who earned high praise from their commanding officers. Members of both regiments received numerous awards, including the Military Cross, British Empire Medal, Distinguished Service Order, and Croix-de-Guerre. The years of combat, however, took their toll, and many men returned home injured, while 87 died in service. The 59th (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment officially disbanded in August 1945, and the 166th followed suit in October.



Ashford, Kent - Chosen by Commanding Officer J.W. Nelson as a candidate for Officer training. After 3 years of training, I was accepted for a commission and became lieutenant in September 1943. Posted to Tonbridge, Kent (23rd battery, 59th Newfoundland Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Officer training at 23 Office Cadet Trg Unit in Yorkshire for 6 months. Commissioned Sept 1943 Second Lieutenant. Posted to 23 battery Sept 1943.

Raymond went to 23 OCTU at Catterick in March 1943 and was commissioned into the Royal Artillery in September 1943. He was posted to 23rd Heavy Battery, 59th (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment RA at Ashford Kent. 20th and 23rd Heavy Batteries were given 155mm guns and 21st and 22nd Heavy Batteries were given 7.2-inch guns.

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Raymond Farndale RCA, 1943

London Gazette Supplement, 5 October 1943: ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. The undernoted Cadets to be 2nd Lts, 27th Aug 1943 … Raymond William Stainthorpe FARNDALE (292503).



Wartime – Second year of training for eventual invasion of North West Europe in 1944 (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).

The Regiment trained in Northumberland but by July 1944 it was at Worthing in Sussex. It went to France and took part in the battles for Caen.

Ray landed at Juno Beach in Normandy on 5 July 1944, one month after D-Day. His Regiment’s route took him through France, Netherlands, Belgium, reaching Bergerdorf near Hamburg.


By VE-Day the Regiment was at Hamburg.

Lieutenant RWS Farndale RA went back to Canada in September 1945 with the Defence Medal, the 1939-45 Star and War Medal with a Mention in Dispatches.

The London Gazette, 9 August 1945 (Raymond appeared in this list of those serving with the Royal Regiment of Artillery): WAR OFFICE, 9TH AUGUST 1945. The KING has been graciously pleased to approve that the following be Mentioned in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in North West Europe … Lt R W S FARNDALE (292503).

He joined 166th (Newfoundland) Field Regiment RCA (Reserve) and was with them until 1954, retiring as a Major, earning the Canadian Forces decoration (CD). He became an accountant  and   lived at St Johns, Corner Brook, Toronto and Halifax.

Raymond served as Captain and Acting Major, Royal Canadian Army Reserve. After confederation, the Royal Canadian Army formed a new regiment -- the 166th Newfoundland Field Regiment. Ray became Acting Major of the Corner Brook Battery until his departure from Corner Brook. in November 1959.

Corner brook, Newfoundland

He returned to Corner Brook in October 1945.

In the Newfoundland Census of 1945 he was living at Corner Brook, Humber, Newfoundland. He is shown as part of a large entry of residents at a hotel. His birth place is confirmed at St John’s. He is still an accountant, but now in the paper industry.


The London Gazette, 1 March 1946: 6th Nov 1945:- R W S FARNDALE (292503) and is granted the hon rank of Lt.

Raymond WS Farndale, son of John Martin and Elizabeth Farndale (FAR00613), married Maud Ellen Tipple 1 Jun 1946 in Newfoundland where they lived (Letters). They were married at the United Church.

Raymond sang in the choir of, and taught Sunday School, of the Anglican Church of St John the Evangelist in Corner Brook.

Employed: 1946-1954: Newfoundland Distributors Limited (West Park Motors), Corner Brook. In 1946, Ray left Bowater to become Accountant, and then General Manager, West Park Motors. At first they were the Newfoundland distributor for Bombardier snowmobiles, and later, after Confederation, became a Ford dealership.

Residence: 1946: George and Ada Poole, Broadway

Residence: 1946-1949: 22 North Street, Corner Brook

During his time in Corner Brook, Ray was an active member of the Corner Brook Players amateur theatrical group, (also Officer in the badminton club, various other clubs), Secretary-Treasurer of Blomidon Club which later became the Blomidon Country Club upon developing the golf course and curling rink.


On 5 October 1948, he arrived in Norfolk, Virginia, on a round trip, with his wife, Ellen.

Passenger Manifest: On SS “Cornerbrook, First Class, Raymond and Ellen Farndale, together making a ‘round trip by this steamer’.



Residence: 1949-1950: 54 Humber Park, Corner Brook


Keith Raymond Farndale (FAR01041) was born in 1950.



Residence: 1951-1954: 57 Elswick Road, Corner Brook



West Park Motors – Hal House – appointed Dealership for Ford Motor Company – Canadian Army Militia, rank Captain (later Major) – Friendships: Pooles, Bouzannes, Purchases, Andrews, and Humbers, among others (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




Employed: 1954-1959: Corner Brook Garage Ltd., Corner Brook. In 1955 or 1956, Ray was Office Manager, Corner Brook Garage Limited, the General Motors dealer.



Residence: 1957-1959: 34 Reid Street, Corner Brook



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John Farndale (left) with his wife Betsey Farndale and sons: Raymond Farndale (back) and Bertram Farndale (right), taken in 1958.


Nova Scotia




Residence: 1959: Pleasant Avenue, Stellarton

Residence: 1959-1961: Birch Street, New Glasgow

Having resigned my position with Corner Brook Garage in the summer of 1959, we packed our belongings and moved to New Glasgow in November to take up employment with Spencer Motors Ltd., a Pontiac dealership. It had great potential in the automotive field but was in need of some accounting skills to keep it profitable. Bing Spencer, the owner/manager was a very personable fellow and had been in business for about ten years. The early years were very profitable but he was inclined to branch out into other fields such as an apartment building in Trenton, a Trucking company, a service station in Guysboro and one in the Magdalin Islands. A large part of the profits from the main business was used to finance these ventures, none of which became profitable. In fact, most recorded losses. We adapted to life in Pictou County very well. We made many friends and became members of the gold club, bowling club and Lions club. We stayed at the Norfolk Hotel for a short while, until a house became available in Stellarton which we rented furnished for $75.00 per month. Our immediate neighbours were the MacKeans, the McEacherns, the Arthurs and the Buckles and we soon became friends (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Employed: 1959-1961: Spencer Motors, Ltd. (Pontiac dealership), New Glasgow



In the Spring of 1960, we decided to purchase a home in New Glasgow – a fairly new home on Birch Street (cost $11 000). We had bought a new car before we left Corner Brook, a prink Cortina. I as provided with a new car as part of my employment package, so the Cortina became Ellie’s car. I enjoyed the challenge of trying to keep Spencer Motors profitable, but after about a year it became apparent that Bing and I were not on the same wavelength and when an opportunity came up with a Toronto dealership I took advantage of it. Consequently, we moved to Toronto in July 1961, to take a position with Lauria Motors Ltd., Willowdale (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Toronto, Ontario




Employed: 1961-1962: Lauria Motor Sales Ltd., Toronto. Lauria became Roy Foss Motors, General Motors dealership.

Residence: June 1961-April 1962: 2177 Avenue Road, Apt. 120, Toronto, Ontario



Residence: April 1962-October 1962: 401 Willow Tree Estates, Willowdale

Employed: 1962-1964: Roy Foss Motors Ltd., Toronto


Roy Foss Motors – Buick, Pontiac Dealer – highlight of the year, birth of daughter Denise in November, great joy in the family. Friendships: Matthews, Combdens, Pooles, Balls, Taylors, Smiths and Suttons, among others (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).


Residence: October 1962-September 1964: 37 Willowbank Drive, Willowdale


Ada Denise Farndale (Denise Watson) (FAR01117) was born in 1962. 

Raymond was on the voter’s list for York, Scarborough, Ontario (Willowdale Avenue) in 1962, an office manager, with his wife, Ellie (also known as Helen) also listed. His father John Martin is also listed and shown retired.

Halifax, Nova Scotia




Employed: 1964-1975: Wood Motors Ltd., Halifax. Office Manager Wood Motors (left in 1979 at age 65).

Residence: 1964: Brentwood Apartments, Bayers Road, Halifax

Residence: 1965: 202 Main Avenue, Halifax

Residence: September 1965-June 1968: 5 Laurel Lane



Residence: June 1968-June 1969: 4 Forest Hill Drive, Halifax.

Raymond was on the voter’s list for Halifax, Nova Scotia (Forrest Hill Drive) in 1968, an accountant, with his wife, Mrs Farndale also listed.



Residence: June 1969-May 1970: 275 Dublin Street, Halifax



Residence: May 1970-November 1973: 6354 London Street, Halifax



6354 London Street – Ches Abbott (next door neighbour); our dog Jamie. Wood Motors Ford – Riley, Davis, Smith, Mansour, Miller and others. Friendships: MacNeills, Reynolds, among others. Canada vs. Russia, Paul Henderson scoring winning goal (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




Residence: November 1973-October 1977: 211 Willett Street, Apt. 504, Halifax


Raymond was on the voter’s list for Halifax, Nova Scotia (Willett Street) in 1974, an accountant, with his wife, Ellen also listed.

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Employed: 1976-1984: Airport Transfer Ltd., Halifax



Residence: October 1977-October 1982: 114A Main Avenue, Halifax



Ray worked for Airport Transfer Limited 1979-1988.



Residence: October 1982-September 1988: 128 Forestside Crescent, Halifax

Forestside Crescent. Neighbours: Chryslers, Elves, McKinnons, Sullivans, Cullens, O’Briens, etc. Denise lifeguarding in summer; pool parties and more socializing (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




Employed: 1984-1988: Airport Transfer Ltd., Halifax (Part-time)

Employed: 1984-1990: Atlantic Venetian Blinds and Draperies, Halifax (Part-time)



Residence: September 1988-November 1990: 6967 Bayers Apartment, Apt. 416, Bayers Road

Guelph, Ontario




Employed: 1990-2009: Procept Associates Ltd., Guelph (Part-time)

Employed: 1990-2001: Dave Moore and Associates, Guelph (Part-time)

Residence: November 1990-April 1994: 411-400 Waterloo Avenue, Guelph



2nd year of residence. Ferman Drive – spent many happy hours during the day taking care of granddaughter Emily (Memories recorded at his 88th birthday in 2002).




Residence: April 1994-October 15, 2007: 210-400 Waterloo Avenue, Guelph



Residence: October 15, 2007-2016: Wellington Park Terrace, 102-181 Janefield Avenue, Guelph


  A person wearing glasses and a white shirt

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101 year old Veteran, Raymond “Poppy” Farndale, sits with his medals and war scrapbook in front of his portrait. No 013/100 in the 100 Portraits / 100 Poppies project. Tuesday July 14, 2015 at the Guelph Public Library.

What motivated you to be a part of this project?

I thought it was an important project to remember those who have served in the military or had some association with the military. Not only do I feel strongly about the poppy and what it symbolizes, my 2 grandchildren (Christopher and Emily) call me “Poppy” so it is quite special to me.

What was going through your mind when you were “Sitting in Remembrance” for the project?

I was remembering the people I met during World War 2. I am one of the few veterans left from my regiment and I felt I was representing all of the amazing men and women I worked alongside.

What message do you want to pass along to future generations about your life’s experiences?

While a lot has changed since I was born, 101 years ago, some things have remained the same. One thing I have always lived by… treat others as you would like to be treated. If you do this, you can never go wrong.


Raymond died on 23 May 2016.

The Chronicle Herald, Halifax, May 28, 2016:

Ray enjoyed a long and fulfilling life. Beginning Feb 23, 1914, in St John's and then Corner Brook, Newfoundland and living most of his life in Halifax, Nova Scotia, he peacefully passed away on May 23, 2016, in Guelph, Ontario, his new-found home.

Ray, a true gentleman, was kind and generous of spirit. He was passionate about inclusion, notably those with special or medical needs and those marginalized by poverty or life circumstances. He adopted many local and international causes, always adapting with the times. He loved his Blue Jays, mystery novels, choir singing, politics, good jokes and live music. A life-long learner, he conquered the computer and worked well into his 90's, as an accountant. He always enjoyed "doing his books", gardening, walking, swimming, skating, ballroom dancing and amateur acting. While a man of few words, he demonstrated deep emotion and always had a twinkle in his eye.

Ray was a proud veteran of World War II, serving as Lieutenant in the 23rd Battery of the 59th Regiment of Royal Artillery and was awarded the Canadian Forces Decoration (CD).

He was a devoted husband to Ellie Tipple, with whom he shared many adventures, until her passing in 2010. He was a dear father to Keith (Sue) Farndale, and Denise (Jack) Watson and was a special Poppy to Emily and Christopher Watson and granddog Molly, who adored him. Ray was pre-deceased by his British parents, John and Bessie, and his younger brother Bertram. He was a loyal friend to many and had strong relationships, most recently with those at Wellington Park Retirement Residence.

All who knew Ray agree that his teachers and peers got it right when they awarded him the Knowling Scholarship numerous times, as "Best All Round Boy"!

To honour his wishes, cremation and a private memorial was held. Arrangements entrusted to the Wall-Custance Funeral Home & Chapel. Memories were shared at www.wallcustance.com. A tree was planted in memory of Raymond W. S. Farndale in the Wall-Custance Memorial Forest, University of Guelph Arboretum. Dedication service, Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 2:30 pm.


List of Residences


St John’s, Newfoundland; Corner Brook, Newfoundland; New Glasgow, Canada; Toronto, Canada; Halifax, Canada; Guelph, Canada


1914-1918: 24 Cochrane Street, St. John’s

1919-1923: 35 Cochrane Street, St. John’s

1924-1925: 9 Bell Street, St. John’s

1925-1930: 60 Prescott Street, St. John’s

1930-1938: 173 Gower Street, St. John’s

1938-1940 and 1945-1946: Glynmill Inn, Corner Brook

1946: George and Ada Poole, Broadway

1946-1949: 22 North Street, Corner Brook

1949-1950: 54 Humber Park, Corner Brook

1951-1954: 57 Elswick Road, Corner Brook

1957-1959: 34 Reid Street, Corner Brook


1959: Pleasant Avenue, Stellarton

1959-1961: Birch Street, New Glasgow

ONTARIO (Toronto)

June 1961-April 1962: 2177 Avenue Road, Apt. 120, Toronto

April 1962-October 1962: 401 Willow Tree Estates, Willowdale

October 1962-September 1964: 37 Willowbank Drive, Willowdale


1964: Brentwood Apartments, Bayers Road, Halifax

1965: 202 Main Avenue, Halifax

September 1965-June 1968: 5 Laurel Lane

June 1968-June 1969: 4 Forest Hill Drive, Halifax

June 1969-May 1970: 275 Dublin Street, Halifax

May 1970-November 1973: 6354 London Street, Halifax

November 1973-October 1977: 211 Willett Street, Apt. 504, Halifax

October 1977-October 1982: 114A Main Avenue, Halifax

October 1982-September 1988: 128 Forestside Crescent, Halifax

September 1988-November 1990: 6967 Bayers Apartment, Apt. 416, Bayers Road

ONTARIO (Guelph)

November 1990-April 1994: 411-400 Waterloo Avenue, Guelph

April 1994-October 15, 2007: 210-400 Waterloo Avenue, Guelph

October 15, 2007-2016: Wellington Park Terrace, 102-181 Janefield Avenue, Guelph



1. St. Thomas’s, St. John’s, Newfoundland (Rev. Canon A. Howitt)

2. St. John the Evangelist, Corner Brook, Newfoundland (Rev. Canon T.E. Loder)

3. Christ Church, Stellarton, Nova Scotia

4. St. Georges, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia (Rev. Sam Hiller)

5. All Souls, Willowdale, Ontario (Rev. Bruton)

6. St. John’s, Dutch Village Road, Halifax (Canon Elliot)

7. St. Philips, Bayers Road, Halifax (Rev. Sam Miller)

8. St. Peters, Halifax (Rev. V. Elvett)

9. St. Mathias, Guelph (Rev. Tim Boulton)

10. St. James the Apostle, Guelph (Rev. Canon Trudy LeBans)

11. Dublin Street United Church, Guelph (Rev. Emmy Beauchamp and Rev. Doug Norris)



1. 1929-1930: Imperial Oil Ltd., St. John’s

2. 1930-1937: Tos Cove Trading Company Ltd., St. John’s

3. 1937-1938: Bowaters Lloyd Limited, St. John’s

4. 1938-1946 – Bowaters, Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Limited, Corner Brook (minus 5¼ years overseas in army)

5. 1946-1954: Newfoundland Distributors Limited (West Park Motors), Corner Brook

6. 1954-1959: Corner Brook Garage Ltd., Corner Brook

7. 1959-1961: Spencer Motors, Ltd., New Glasgow

8. 1961-1962: Lauria Motor Sales Ltd., Toronto

9. 1962-1964: Roy Foss Motors Ltd., Toronto

10. 1964-1975: Wood Motors Ltd., Halifax

11. 1976-1984: Airport Transfer Ltd., Halifax

1984-1988: Airport Transfer Ltd., Halifax (Part-time)

12. 1984-1990: Atlantic Venetian Blinds and Draperies, Halifax (Part-time)

13. 1990-2009: Procept Associates Ltd., Guelph (Part-time)

14. 1990-2001: Dave Moore and Associates, Guelph (Part-time)