Robert Farndale

27 February 1814 (baptised) to 5 February 1866


The Brotton 3 Line

The Stockton 2 Line


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Master grocer of Stockton


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Robert Farndale, son of John and Jane (nee Pybus) Farndale (FAR00167) of Brotton, farmer, was baptised at Brotton on 27 February 1814 (Brotton PR). He was a twin with his sister, Mary Ann.


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Robert Farndale, a grocer of Brotton and son of John Farndale a farmer, married Sarah Ann Taylor of Saltburn, daughter of John Taylor of the Preventative Service. They married at the Chapelry of Brotton on 6 February 1841 (Marriage Certificate). George Farndale was a witness. (Brotton PR). Robert was aged 27.


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Census 1841
- Brotton:

Robert Farndale, 25, grocer born in Yorks.

Sarah Farndale, 20, not born in Yorks (ie about 1821).


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John Henry Farndale (FAR00358) was born in Brotton on 17 March 1843 and baptised on 9 April 1843 (Brotton PR).


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Robert Edward Farndale (FAR00363) was born in Stockton on 17 December 1844 and baptised on the Wesleyan Methodist circuit in Stockton on 2 February 1845 (Stockton PR).


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Thomas William Farndale (FAR00375) was born in Stockton on 6 June 1848 and baptised on the Wesleyan Methodist Circuit at Stockton on 25 June 1848 (Stockton PR).


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Census 1851 - 1, East Street, Stockton:

Robert Farndale, head; married; age 37; grocer; born Brotton (ie 1814).

Sarah Ann Farndale, wife; married; age 32; born Plymouth; (ie 1819).

John Henry Farndale, son; unmarried; age 8; born Brotton; (ie 1843) (FAR00358).

Robert Edward Farndale, son; unmarried; age 6; born Brotton; (ie 1845) (FAR00363).

Thomas William Farndale, son; unmarried; age 2; born Brotton; (ie 1849) (FAR00375).


Also Isabela Dedley, 16 a house servant and William Nesbit, a visitor and schoolmaster.


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Sarah Ann Farndale (FAR00392) was born on 29 February 1852 and baptised on 21 March 1852 at Brunswick-Wesleyan Chapel, Stockton (Stockton PR, GRO Vol 10a page 50).


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Charles Herbert Farndale (FAR00413) was born on 12 November 1855 and baptised on 2 December 1855 at the Brunswick -Wesleyan Chapel, Stockton (Stockton PR, GRO Vol 10a page 55).


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Mary Emily Farndale (FAR00440), was born in 1860 (GRO Vol 10a page 69).


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Census 1861 - 3, Bishopton Terrace, Stockton:

Robert Farndale, head; married; age 47; grocer’s assistant; born Brotton (ie 1814).

Sarah Farndale, wife; married; age 41; born Plymouth (ie 1820).

Robert Edward Farndale, son; unmarried; age 16; born Stockton (ie 1845) (FAR00363).

Thomas William Farndale, son; unmarried; age 13; born Stockton (ie 1848) (FAR00375).

Sarah Ann Farndale, daughter; unmarried; age 9; born Stockton (ie 1852) (FAR00392).

Charles Herbert Farndale, son; unmarried; age 3; born Stockton (ie 1858) (FAR00413).

Mary Emily Farndale, daughter; unmarried; age 8m; born Stockton (ie 1860) (FAR00440).


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Stockton Herald, South Durham and Cleveland Advertiser, 16 May 1862: GROCERY WAREHOUSE. BISHOPTON LANE. Near the North Eastern and Hartlepool Railway Station. R Farndale, ANNOUNCES to his friends and the public in general, that he has Opened the Shop lately occupied by Mr M Welch, where he intends to carry on the above business in all its respective branches. Having had 19 years experience in one of the largest establishments in the town, RF trusts that by diligent attention to business and supplying a good article, to merit a share of public patronage and support. Bishopton Lane, Stockton, 8th May, 1862.




Stockton Herald, South Durham and Cleveland Advertiser, 22 May 1863: TO BE LET, A DWELLING HOUSE, containing Seven Rooms, Situated No 21, Alma street. Apply to MR ROBERT FARNDALE, Bishopton road.


This is the same property as was advertised in 1862 by John Farndale, so presumably John had been advertising as agent for Robert previously.




Stockton Herald, South Durham and Cleveland Advertiser, 28 July 1865: FURNISHED APARTMENTS – one Sitting Room and two Bed Rooms – at R FARNDALE’S Bishopton Lane.



Robert Farndale died aged 51, The death was registered at Stockton District in the first quarter of 1866. Robert Farndale aged 51, Master Grocer, died of phthisis at Bishopton Terrace road, Stockton on 5 February 1866. Elizabeth Pybus was present at the death. (Death Certificate).


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Stockton Herald, South Durham and Cleveland Advertiser, 9 February 1866: FARNDALE – At Stockton, on the 5th instant, aged 51 years, Mr Robert Farndale, grocer.


Durham Country Advertiser, 9 February 1866: At Stockton … Mr Robert Farndale, grocer, aged 51


He was buried 4 February 1866 at Stockton on Tees.


Farndale, Robert. Effects under £50. 6 July 1866. Letters of Administration of the Personal estate of Robert Farndale late of Bishopton Lane, Stockton-Upon-Tees in the County of Durham Grocer deceased who died 2 February 1866 at Stockton-on-Tees aforesaid were granted at Durham to Sarah Ann Farndale of Bishopton Lane aforesaid Widow the Relict of the said Deceased she having first sworn.


After he died, Sarah Ann Farndale remarried Benjamin Burlinson:




Census 1871 – Cleveland Terrace, Thornaby, Stockton


Benjamin Burlinson, 57, born Durham, engine fitter

Sarah A Burlinson, his wife, 50, born in Devon in 1821

Thomas W Farndale, step son, 22, brass polisher at the brass foundry

Sarah A Farndale, step daughter, 19

Mary E Farndale, step daughter, 10

Elizabeth M Farndale, step son’s wife, 24 born 1847, ship broker’s wife

Emily G Farndale, step son’s daughter, 1 month, born 1871

Thomas Muncaster, boarder


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Census 1881 – 11 Vyner Terrace, Stockton


Benjamin Burlinson, 68, born Durham, engine fitter

Sarah A Burlinson, his wife, 61, born in Devon in 1821

Mary E Farndale, step daughter, 20, schoolmistress

Emily G Farndale, step son’s daughter, 10, born 1871

An outfitter


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Census 1891 – 11 Vyner Terrace, Stockton


Benjamin Burlinson, 78, born Durham, steam engine fitter

Sarah A Burlinson, his wife, 71, born in Devon in 1821

Mary E Farndale, step daughter, 23

Emily G Farndale, step son’s daughter, 20, born 1871


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Census 1901 – 14 Leybourne Terrace, Stockton


Sarah A Burlinson, 80, living on own means

Mary E Farndale, 40, a private school teacher

Emily Farndale, grandaughter to Sarah, 30, a music teacher

Two boarders


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Census 1911 – 7 Leybourne Terrace, Stockton


Sarah A Burlinson, 91, boarding house keeper

Mary E Farndale, 50, single

Emily G Farndale, grandaughter to Sarah, 40, a music teacher

Two boarders


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